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Swasthikasana Yoga Posture; the Auspicious Pose

March 24th, 2007 | admin

Swasthikasana is almost similar to Siddhasana. The difference is the big toe of top leg is left outside while keeping the rest pressed between thigh and lower part of the bottom leg.

The Procedure for Swasthikasana Yoga Pose

1. Sit erect and spread legs before your body. Fold the right leg at knee and press the feet against the thigh and keep the foot on the ground. Fold the leg completely so that the foot touches the beginning region of thigh.

2. Without disturbing the position of right leg and body, fold the left leg and place it over the right leg. Press all the toes except large toe to inside the thigh and the calf of right leg.

3. Place hands palms down over corresponding knees.

4. You can interchange the position of legs in this asana.

Notes on Swasthika Asana Yoga Posture

This is also a meditation posture. One can practice meditation and/or pranayama in this posture too. The other postures for meditation are Padmasana, Siddhasana and Ardha Padmasana.

Improves concentration, regulates breathing and calms down mind.

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