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Ardha Pavana Mukhta Asanam (Ardhapavanamukthasana) Yoga Pose

March 24th, 2007 | admin

Pavana means wind (air, gas). Muktha means escape. Pavana Muktha asana is aimed at reliving gas from our system. The gas is formed at different joints and abdomen during normal metabolic/anabolic processes.

The Procedure for Ardha Pavanamukthasana Yoga Pose

1. Lie down straight with legs held close together and hands palms down on either sides.

2. Bend right leg at hip and at knees to bring it towards abdomen. Use your hands to grasp the leg just below the knees and pull it nearer to your chest. Don’t allow left leg to move from its original position.

3. Inhale deeply while at this position.

4. As you exhale slowly, bring your head, neck and chest forward and touch your knee with your nose.

5. Slowly inhaling, take the hands slowly away and take the leg to its original position.

6. Give complete rest to the body by relaxing all muscles in your body for a few seconds.

Repeat the procedure with left leg.

Notes on Ardha Pavanamukthasana Yoga Posture

It may be difficult for big-bellied persons to follow this procedure. Don’t give up till you are comfortable with this pose.

It strengthens muscles at back and gives strength and flexibility to backbone, waistline. It also promotes digestion and easy elimination.

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