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Home » Yoga Asanas

March 24th, 2007 | admin

Padmasana probably is the most popular yoga pose. It is well suited for meditation. This posture strengthens prana (life – vital energy), and helps mind achieve deeper levels of consciousness and enlightenment.

The procedure for Padmasana Yoga Pose

1. Sit down with legs spread straight in front of the body.

2. Bend the right leg, grasp the foot with both hands and place it on the left thigh, as close to body as possible.

3. Bend the left leg, grasp the foot with both hands and place it over the right thigh, as close to body as possible.

4. Keep the knees on the ground. The sole of feet faces upwards.

5. The hands can be placed on the knees, with thumb and index finger forming a circle and palm facing upwards. This is perfect meditation posture. This is also ideal posture for pranayama.

Interchange the position of legs if you feel uncomfortable.

Note: – Keep the body (spine, neck and head) erect and vertically on a line.

Benefits of Padmasana Yoga Pose

Known as ancient yogi posture, this asana promotes deep inner level consciousness and better mind-body control. It is also the posture for higher spiritual consciousness.

Padmasana is also known as a panacea for all diseases. It has a calming effect on nervous system, strengthens spine and keeps joints flexible. It perfects body posture, promotes circulation to internal organs and normalizes circulation, respiration, heart beat and blood pressure.

All postures recommended for meditation and prayer has the above mentioned benefits.

Mastering this technique takes time. The body will become flexible only with conscious effort for a long time.

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