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Pavana Mukthasana (Pavanamukthasana) Leg Lock Pose

March 24th, 2007 | admin

Pavanan means wind (variations are air and gas). Muktha means escape or relief. Pavanamukhtasana is aimed at releasing gas accumulated in abdomen and at joints. This exercise is a good treatment for gastritis and vata related pain.

The Procedure for Pavanamukhtasana

1. Lay down straight on your back with legs hold together and hands close to body, palms down on ground.

2. Bend both legs at knees and at waist and bring them together to the abdomen.

3. Lift your hands and interlock the fingers. Grasp both legs just below the knees and pull them towards your chest.

4. Inhale deeply.

5. As you slowly exhale, bring your head, neck and chest towards the knees and bring the nose to between the knees.

6. Slowly inhaling, take the hands off and straighten the legs to their original position.

Rest for a few seconds by relaxing all muscles in your body.

Notes on Pavanamukthasana

This asana strengthens muscles of abdomen. It gives strength and flexibility to backbone and muscles at back and lower back. This is also beneficial for patients suffering from joint pains. It is also a cure for gastritis.

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