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Sukhasana Yoga Posture; Pleasant Pose or the Easy Pose

March 24th, 2007 | admin

This is the standard sitting pose for average family members in Kerala and India, before furniture items like chair and table became so common a thing. Till now this pose is preferred while taking special occasion feasts like Onam feast in Kerala.

Sukham means a normal state (free from diseases and in general happy mood).

The Procedure for Sukhasana Yoga Pose

1. Sit erect and stretch legs before the body.

2. Fold the right leg and place the foot below left thigh. Fold the leg and place the foot below right thigh. Make sure the thighs rest flat on the ground (which is not easily possible).

3. Place the hands on corresponding knees. Keep the backbone, neck and head straight.

4. You can also form a jnana mudra by holding your index finger and thumb like a ring.

Notes on Sukhasana Yoga Pose

This posture can be used to practice meditation till you are comfortable with other recommended meditation postures like Padmasana, Ardha Padmasana, Siddhasana or Swasthikasana.

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