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Home » Yoga Asanas

March 24th, 2007 | admin

Padahasthasana is a yoga pose that helps in strengthening legs and spine. It also provides equilibrium to the body.
The Procedure for Padahasthasana Yoga Posture

1. Stand erect with feet separated by six inches.

2. Slowly raise your hands above the head as you inhale. Keep the palms facing front.

3. Bend forward as you exhale. Go as far as you can.

4. Try to touch the toes with your fingers.

5. Try to put your face between knees while holding the breath out.

6. Straighten up and move to normal position as you slowly inhale.

Note: Don’t bend your legs at the knees.

The Benefits of Padahasthasana Yoga Pose

Padahasthasana strengthens the muscles of the thighs and legs. It increases flexibility of the spine. It increases blood flow to all parts of the body. It makes muscles flexible. It also calms down nervous system.

It is beneficial in treating back pain. It is also beneficial in preventing sciatica pain.

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