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Home » Yoga Asanas

March 24th, 2007 | admin

This is quite a difficult yoga pose. Don’t attempt to practice this without the help of a yoga teacher. Very difficult to accomplish this posture, and should be extremely careful as you can lose the balance any moment.

Your body needs to be balanced like a stick horizontally balanced in the air with only your palms touching the ground and body balancing on your elbows.

The procedure of Mayurasana Yoga Pose (to be practiced under guidance of a learned yoga master)

1. Kneel on ground while spreading the knees at a distance of 12 inches.

2. Place the palms on the floor with fingers pointing backwards. Keep the upper arm close to the body and the elbows on either sides of navel.

3. Bend your upper body forward while simultaneously stretching out the legs backwards. Gradually take the position of a stick hold horizontally to the ground.

4. Remain in that position for a few seconds.

5. Slowly fold the legs and get the knees to the ground.

6. Return to normal position.


Remember full body weight is balanced at the navel. It is easy to lose balance. If you feel any difficulty while practicing this, return to normal position and start again.

The Benefits of Mayurasana Yoga Pose

It strengthens digestive system and prevents dyspepsia. Piles, constipation and obesity are other conditions that may benefit from this pose.

Women and people suffering from cervical spondilitis should better avoid this pose.

Remember this pose can be practiced only under the guidance of a learned yoga master and shall not be attempted on your own. Body jerk should be avoided and any inconsistencies you feel should not be ignored.

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