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Home » Yoga Asanas

March 24th, 2007 | admin

Go in Sanskrit means cow and mukha means face. The whole body assumes a far resemblance with the face of a cow while assuming this pose.

The Procedure for Gomukhasana Yoga Posture

1. Sit as if in Dandasana (sit erect, legs stretched before body, hands close to body, palms face down on floor).

2. Bend your right leg over the left thigh and place the ankle next to your left buttocks.

3. Bend the left leg under the right thigh and place the ankle next to your right buttocks. Both the feet point away from your body.

4. Sit straight.

5. Place your right hand above left sole and left hand above right sole.

6. Remain in the pose for a while. Return to dandasana and go through the same steps with the position of legs interchanged.

Notes on Gomukhasana Yoga Posture

Keep hips straight. Keep one knee just above the other. This asana is not indicated for persons suffering from bleeding piles.

Benefits of Gomukhasana Yoga Pose

It removes spine curvature. Piles that do not bleed are cured with this asana. It strengthens lungs. It is also beneficial in curing pain at hips and joints.

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