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Home » Yoga Asanas

March 24th, 2007 | admin

Bhujangasa or the cobra pose assumes the pose like a cobra. The top of the body is raised while the lower half remains on the ground. The person lies flat on his or her stomach and raises head shoulder and chest upwards while placing the palms on either sides of chest for balancing.

This posture gives a youthful appearance to the person and is beneficial to internal organs. Persons suffering from vata related disorders, respiratory problems, etc can use this posture. It is also good to keep youthful appearance and keep general physical health.

The Procedure for Bhujangasa the yoga posture

1. Lie straight on the stomach, with toes flat on floor and hands on either sides of chest-shoulder area.

2. Bend the neck and head backwards as you inhale. Lift areas below navel region firm on ground.

3. Look upwards to the sky. Hold breath for a few seconds.

4. Exhale slowly and bring your head to the floor. Take rest for a few seconds in that position.

Benefits of Bhujangasana Yoga Posture

This posture stimulates pancreas, liver, abdomen, digestive system and enhances circulation. It increases flexibility of spinal cord, relieves problems related to female reproductive organs. Normalize abnormal menstruation and strengthens ovary and uterus. Persons suffering from back ache can benefit from this posture.

Persons sitting long hours without any physical movement can benefit from this posture as it can relieve backache for them.

Asthma patients and persons suffering from dyspepsia and other vata related disorders can benefit from this yoga pose.

This yoga pose gives a youthful appearance to the people practicing it.

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