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A Brief History of Yoga

March 23rd, 2007 | admin

The knowledge about the history of yoga practice in India is limited to BC 3000. The practice of yoga would have started by the people lived on the banks of Indus river, the place of Indus Valley Civilization. Rig Veda is the first to mention the term Yoga. Yoga practice is common in Buddhist and Jain rituals. There are signs yoga was practiced even before BC 5000 or even BC 6000.

Vedic Period: Development of Yoga

Rig Veda has the first textural representation of yoga. The directions as described in Vedas had directions to practice rituals to free one’s mind. Yogis of this period were seers, who taught their disciples the practice and principles of yoga. The yogis during this time and before developed the practices of yoga. There were several divisions, but the underlining goal of all yoga practices were the same – attainment of salvation, deep inner consciousness and moksha.

Upanishads Period of Yoga Development

Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads and other texts have references and directions of practicing yoga. The text of Bhagavad Gita says yoga practice started much before the time of writing. Apart from Hindu texts, Buddhist and Jain texts too have references to practicing yoga and meditation. Buddhism puts great importance to yoga postures and meditation. It is also to be noted that Gautama Buddha attained enlightenment in a deep meditation.

Attempts had also been on in Gita to unify all the different types of yoga – Bhakti Yoga (devotion), Jnana Yoga (Knowledge) and Karma Yoga (Yoga through Selfless Action).

Patanjali Yoga Sutras

Patanjali, the seer is the first to classify the eight limbs of yoga and to provide a systematic approach to yoga practice. The eight limbs are specific stepping stones one must pass in the given order. The last step is Samadhi or ultimate salvation from physical restraints and the cycle of births and death.

Social conduct, physical exercise, breathing exercise, meditation etc are the paths to attain the ultimate goal.

Modern Period of Yoga

Today a section of yoga, called Hatha Yoga is popular world wide. The concentration is mainly on healthy physique and mind. Yoga asana, breathing exercise and meditation are the main steps followed by modern practitioners of yoga. However practicing these aspects of yoga can lead to self awareness and take the person to higher levels of spiritual fulfillment.

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