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Pepper, Piper Nigrum — Spices of Kerala

March 24th, 2007 | admin

Known as the king of spices for many hundreds of years, pepper (piper nigrum) is a trademark spice product of Kerala, which is exported to almost all parts of the world.

Pepper vines are usually seen climbing a support tree using special roots that emerges at roots. The only function of the roots is to allow the plant to clasp to the tree.

Spikes of fruits appear among thick foliage. Pepper is harvested when fruits at the time fruits begin to turn ripened. The appearance of two or three red fruits among the spikes marks the time for harvesting.

Both black pepper and white pepper are from the same plant. In white pepper, the skin and fruit is removed by soaking the fruits in warm water and then placing it in a strong current of water. Black pepper simply states that it is simply dried after harvesting.

Pepper is an important ingredient for a large number of culinary preparations.

Pepper also has medicinal value and is used in Ayurvedic medicines. Siddha and Unani, other two medicinal forms of India also see pepper as an effective cure for a variety of conditions like constipation, tastelessness, diarrhea, insomnia, liver problems, tooth decay, etc.

Pipper nigrum belongs to the family piperaceae.

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