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Home » Kerala Spices

March 24th, 2007 | admin

Capers (capparis spinosa) flower buds form an important vegetable, preserved by either pickling in vinegar or in salt. Fruits that are not fully matured, small leaves too are pickled or used as a condiment.

CapersÂ’ hot acrid taste coupled with its peculiar aroma makes it a choice of flavoring agent for meat and fish items, pasta, pizza, salads, etc.

Capers in India are not found in extreme south, but are found in south central to north India. It is mainly because of the climatic preference of the plant. It requires high temperature above 35o C and very scanty rainfall. It is however to be noted that the plant can survive frosts too. The preferred location of the plant is rock cracks, stones, gravels, where other plants find it difficult to survive. The root system penetrates deeply and widely into the soil. The plant also helps in retaining ground water content of the area with its rich canopy.

Capers are used in Ayurveda medicines. Its properties help in safeguarding liver and kidney. Extracts from the root bark of the plant is used in the treatment of anemia, certain kinds of arthritis, gout, etc.

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