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Caraway (Carum carvi) -Spices of India

March 24th, 2007 | admin

Caraway (Carum carvi) is an aromatic spice found in cold, northern parts of India, Asia and Europe. Now it is also found in American continent. Caraway is one of the oldest spices used by humans.

The plant is a biennial, grows up to about two ft, and has feathery leaves. Flowers are abundant during flowering season. Each fruit produces two seeds of length 5-6mm. The stem is cut with the ripe fruits. Fruits are separated from the stem and sun-dried.

Caraway as a spice or condiment is used mainly in European cooking. Germans are the most prolific users of caraway in their alcoholic beverages (kummel). Austrians also use caraway. Caraway is used in preparation of certain cakes and breads. It also forms part of salads. Roots also are used as vegetables.

Caraway has medicinal properties too. It is used against indigestion, nausea, and is used as an appetizer, carminative and expectorant.  It is anti-flatulent and is used in mouthwashes. Perfume industry also makes use of caraway.

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