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Jivakas Test; In Search of a Plant that has No Medicinal Value

March 24th, 2007 | admin

Jivaka (Jeevaka) the main physician that treated Lord Buddha, learned medicine from Athreya Acharya. Upon completion of his medical education, Athreyaacharya gave his disciples a test – bring me the herbs or plants with no medicinal value. All the disciples of Athreya brought some plants to him. Jivaka searched and searched, but could not find any herb without any medicinal value. Dejected, he returned to his master.

“Hey Jivaka, couldn’t you find at least one plant without medicinal properties?” Athreya asked.

Jivaka replied “O master, I failed to pass your test. I searched the whole mountainside, but could not find a herb that has no medicinal powers. In fact I found even the sound of flowing streams, the sunlight, the sight of flowers, the singing of birds, the warmth and pleasant climate all act as medicines under appropriate conditions”

AthreyaÂ’s happiness knew no bounds. He said the medical education of Jivaka is over and he will become the predecessor of Athreya.

This is the core principle behind the lifestyle directed by Ayurveda acharyas. Nothing in this world is without a reason. Even the seemingly insignificant things can have greater influence on your life than you think.

Athreya later taught Jivaka the method of open skull surgery and a prominent figure among  ancient Indian Ayurveda practitioners.

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