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Ayurveda and Sanskrit: The Big Language Mother for all Universe

March 24th, 2007 | admin

Sanskrit scientific literature is an explosive source of endless knowledge. The four Vedas, Ayurveda literature, etc have gems of knowledge that no one can appreciate in a whole life. Ancient Ayurvedic formulas, suggestions, medicines, treatment methods, life style directions, etc are written in pure Sanskrit. Sanskrit or Samskrita literally means something that is highly processed. Sanskrit is indeed a processed language. Modern computer scientists say that Sanskrit is the most efficient language for writing computer programs.

A sloga or sutra that has only a few words or lines in Sanskrit, when translated into other languages can run into several pages.

One example:
Ku vaidyaha, Nripa doshada
Translates into: “fake and fraud doctors arise because of the incompetence of king (ruler)

Gems of knowledge are written in this highly processed language, mostly in poetic form

Therefore for a total appreciation of Ayurveda, one must acquire basic knowledge of Sanskrit. Learning Sanskrit opens the door to many invaluable gems of human kind.

Ayurveda knowledge is now available in Malayalam and English languages. Any form of Ayurvedic knowledge is direct or indirect translation from Sanskrit. Learning this most peculiar language on face of earth never goes in vain.

Apart from Ayurveda, you can find abundance of literature in the form of ValsyayanaÂ’s Kamasutra, and poetic plays from different poets of yester years. In fact, you can find many literary works like Vedas, Puranas, Upanishads, etc.

By Sanskrit literature, it is emphasized that they refer to ancient scripts written centuries ago. Learning Sanskrit and Ayurveda goes hand in hand – exploring best of both worlds, for the nourishment for fullness of life. They will touch you not only at a physical or mental level, but also in a metaphysical way.

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