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Ayurveda and Holistics

March 24th, 2007 | admin

Though the scripts of Ayurveda were written thousands of years ago, each and every word inscribed thereupon is completely true even in todayÂ’s context. There is no need to take Ayurveda and holistic treatment separately. Ayurveda is in its very nature a holistic treatment. More than a method of treatment, it is also the way of life.

More than a curing method, Ayurveda is a method of prevention of diseases by keeping a healthy lifestyle. Ayurveda provides detailed description about daily diets, daily routine (dinacharya), change in daily routine with seasonal (seasonal routine or rithucharya), which lays down in detail the things to do and things not to do. It is not only for body, but also for mind and soul. Daily routine tells you about the daily activities you should take and at what time. There is a time in the day for waking up, taking bath, taking food, working and travel, and going to sleep. The specific timings are variable according to changing seasonal conditions. Imbalances and/or pursuing of an incompatible career can seriously affect the health of a person. Holistic Ayurveda just means keeping the body and mind in a balanced state.

According to Ayurveda, human body is composed of three humors (tridoshas)– vata, pitta and kapha, which are composed of five basic elements of nature, panchabhootangal – akash, bhumi, jal, vayu, and agni. The balance of the elements and the three humors constitute good health.

It all starts with diet. Diet in Ayurveda doesnÂ’t mean mere food that you take for body alone. It is the nourishment you give to mind and soul for their nourishment. If you take food with a troubled mind, it is more likely that the food you eat is wasted, without giving you any benefits thereof.

According to Ayurveda, every minute element of nature – light, sound, smell, natural scenery, etc all can act as medicines, under favorable conditions.

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