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March 23rd, 2007 | admin

The Golden Shower Tree (Cassia fistula) is an ornamental tree that has both religious and medicinal values to Indian Hindus. This tree has got its name because of its flowering characteristics. Flowers of golden yellow color hang from the branches in clusters, giving a vivid yellow to golden look when viewed from a distance. Usually there will be little to no leaves while the tree is in full bloom.

The tree grows about 5-12 m high.

The long fruits bear several seeds, in the tune of hundreds of seeds in a single fruit. Both the fruits and the bark of the tree are used in different Ayurvedic medicines. The fruits are poisonous in nature.

The tree, especially flowers have religious value for Hindu families, especially in Kerala. During the New Year celebration, Vishu, the flowers of golden shower make an auspicious kani (a sight of good omen that brings you health, prosperity and happiness). Among several other things like the picture of Gods and Goddesses, gold ornaments of coins, farm products etc, the flowers of golden shower are arranged in a special deity like position as a sign of prosperity.

The tree thrives in all climates except frost.

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