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Kudampuli (Garcinia cambogea) -Trees of India

March 23rd, 2007 | admin

Kudampuli (garcinia cambogea) is an important tree, known for its pumpkin shaped, sour-tasting fruit. Kudampuli is the Malayalam word for Malabar tamarind or brindle berry.

The tree grows to about 15-20 m high, with dark green foliage and produces small flowers. The fruits appear in bunches. Garcinia fruits appear to be small slightly out of shape pumpkin hanging in bunches. The acrid fruit is used as a spice almost on a regular basis in Kerala kitchens.

Extracts from garcinia fruit now find application in several weight loss tonics and pills.

According to Ayurveda, kudampuli promotes digestion. It is thus a natural spice for Kerala and Indian families.

Garcinia cambogea belongs to the family Clusiaceae.

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