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Safed Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum) — Ayurvedic Herbs

March 23rd, 2007 | admin

Safed musli (chlorophytum borivilianum) is another plant in liliaceae plant family. Reference to safed musli as an Ayurvedic herb is not visible in any ancient texts. However, the medicinal value of this plant is identified and this herb is used in a large scale for a variety of treatments and cures.

Modern researches have suggested the potential of safed musli (safed=white and musli=a tuber) as a rich source of proteins, alkaloids, vitamins, carbohydrates and other nutrients. Safed musli has aphrodisiac properties. There are aphrodisiac products coming in the market with safed musli as the main component.

It is a general body tonic and pain reliever. It also increase lactation. Ayurveda and Unani now recognize safed musli as an important component for many medicines.

It is widely cultivated in northern and western parts of India, but the demand far exceeds supply, hence the prices are on the high end now.

Safed musli is also spelt safed moosli and safed mosli.

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