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Poovam Kurunnu (Vernoia Cinerea) — Ayurvedic Medicinal Herbs

March 23rd, 2007 | admin

Poovamkurunnu (Vernoia cinerea) is an Ayurvedic herb that grows to the size of about ten to 35 inches. It is a branched herb and produces purple flowers, which are compound flowers (flowering heads) and produce many seeds, which are propagated by wind. It is found in wilderness and wastelands. It is wrongly considered a weed by farmers of different parts of India. The farmers in Kerala seem to know the medicinal value of this herb and donÂ’t use any harmful chemicals to eradicate this herb from the farmland.

Poovam kurunnu has different medicinal properties and used in different Ayurvedic medicines for skin conditions, leucorrhoea, intestinal worms, headaches, wounds and serious diseases like malaria. It has anthelmintic, antipyretic, properties.

The English names of this plant are iron weed and vernonia.

Vernoia cinerea belongs to the family Asteraceae.

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