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Home » Herbs Plants

March 23rd, 2007 | admin

Nilappana (Curguliginis orchiodis rhizoma) is a very small herb, with the only showy parts being the long blade like leaves and tiny yellow flowers.

Nilappana in Malayalam literally means a ground palm. Nilam means ground or farmland and pana is a palm tree. One can see only the leaves radiating from a single point and three to eight yellow flowers the size of 6-8 mm.

Nilappana is used in both Ayurveda and Chinese system of medicines. The main usable part is the base of the plant, where one can hardly distinguish between the stem, ovary and fruits.

The roots have tonic effects and strengthen kidneys, muscles and bones. It is also used in the treatment of skin diseases, piles, asthma etc.

Curguliginis rhizoma belongs to the family amaryllidaceae.

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