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Murikoodi (Hemigraphis colorata) Ayurvedic Medicinal Herbs

March 23rd, 2007 | admin

Murikoodi (Hemigraphis colorata) got its name from the fact that it is a quick healer of fresh cuts and wounds. Muri or murivu in Malayalam means a cut or wound and kooduka means to gather and here it refers to wound healing. Thus murikoodi can be translated into a wound-healer.

Different experiments have proved the effectiveness of this herb with red-purple stem and leaves in curing wounds and its antiseptic properties.

Due to its special color, it is used as an ornamental plant and aquarium plants. However, it is hard for the plant to survive underwater for longer periods of more than a few months.

Hemigraphis colorata belongs to the family acanthaceae.

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