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Medicinal Leaves in Ayurveda

March 23rd, 2007 | admin

Most Ayurvedic preparations involve the use of the leaves of at least one herb. There are many medicinal preparations that use the leaves of just one herb – holy basil is the best example. The leaves of holy basil (Tulsi) are used in the treatment of common cold, cough, etc. The medicinal decoction is either taken internally or steam-breathe.

Neem leaves is another example for multi-beneficial leafy herb. The leaves of the tree are used in curing many (even hundreds of) diseases caused by bacteria. Topical application of the paste of neem leaves relive many skin conditions like acne.

The leaves of hibiscus are a good natural hair shampoo when made into a paste by rubbing it against a piece of rock and mixing in water.

It is to be noted, different parts of plants including leaves are used in the treatment of different diseases and conditions.

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