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Home » Herbs Plants

March 23rd, 2007 | admin

One fruit of triphala, haritaki has exceptional medicinal properties and is used in a variety of medicinal compositions. The main medicinal composition is in triphala.

Haritaki is generally called by the names Indian gall nut, ink tree, harar, harad, harade, kadukka (in Malayalam), kadukkai (in Tamil) etc.

Haritaki gives laxative property to triphala. It is also useful in treating wounds, asthma, sore throat, vomiting, etc.

Properties of Haritaki
Harithaki is a (mridu virechaka) mild laxative, tridoshahara (curing all three doshas of tridosha), rasayana (rejuvenating, prevents aging), brimhana (nourishment to body tissues) and Ayurvardhaka (longevity of life).

Terminalia Chebula and terminalia reticulate is in the plant family combretaceae.

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