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Vella Koduveli (Plumbago Zeylancia) Flowers of Kerala

March 23rd, 2007 | admin

Vella koduveli is a wild perennial herb, found all over Kerala. The small herbaceous plant produces bunches of jasmine-like flowers. The plant got the name from the color of the flower (vella means white and koduveli is the name of the plant lÂ’s in vella is pronounced like l in ‘callÂ’ and the ‘l’ in koduveli is pronounced like the ‘l’ in ‘loveÂ’).

The plant is used in Ayurvedic medicine. The roots have diuretic properties. Vellakkoduveli is used in the treatment of diarrhea, piles, fever and certain skin diseases.

Plumbago zeylancia belongs to the family Plumbaginaceae.

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