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Home » Trigunas

March 23rd, 2007 | admin

Satwa or sattwa is known for awareness, delight, purity, lucidity, and composure. The best quality human beings can possess. The people with an abundance of satwa (satwa-dominant) are free from diseases, anger, and quick emotional barrage.

Satwa quality is further divided into seven subtypes they are described below
Brahma: Brahma persons are free from jealous, greed, ignorance, anger and possess knowledge and understanding.

Arsa: Arsa satwa guna persons have good memory, purity of mind, maintains composure, free from ego and pride, and are knowledgeable persons.

Aindra: Aindra Satwa guna type of persons have great interest in theology and spirituality. They read holy books, and like to lead disciplined life. They are knowledgeable and possess far-sightedness and courage. They are happy to perform religious rituals at temples and other places.

Yamya: Yamya satwa guna persons have clear thought and purposes. They stay away from mean thoughts and all kinds of negative emotions. They are natural leaders. They are capable of taking and implementing right decisions at the right times.

Varuna: Varuna satwa guna people like to observe religious rites and keep themselves away from all vices. They are also not afraid to express their feelings at the right place.

Kabera: Kabera Sattwa guna persons have courage and patience. They like virtuous acts but hate impure thoughts. They enjoy spending time in leisure.

Gandharva: Gandharva guna persons attract people and wealth. They study and understand epics, puranas, poetry, etc. They enjoy dancing, singing and listening to music. They are passionate and spend money on perfumes, flowers, etc.

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