Archive for April, 2007

Tulsi: the Divine Herb and Medicine

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

Tulsi (holy basil – Ocimum sanctum) has special importance in Kerala and Indian Hindu families. Lord Krishna and Lord Vishnu are fond of this plant.

A tulsi plant is planted on a raised platform immediately before the entrance to the house. This plant is regularly watered and kept with reverence. The leaves of this plant will be used whenever a household member gets a cold, cough or some common ailment.

There are different benefits for tulsi leaves.

Tulsi has soothing effect on nervous system. It is thus used as a stress reliever. It also has the power to sharpen memory.

Tulsi leaves are an effective remedy for respiratory diseases, common fever, head ache, cold, coughs and sore throat. It is also beneficial in treating skin and dental disorders. It is proved to have anti-diabetic properties, showing scalable reduction in blood glucose levels in controlled tests.

Tulsi can also strengthen immune system of the body.

Tulsi leaves have the power to strengthen kidney, hearts and other internal organs.

Ursolic Acid present in tulsi leaves is reported to have anti-fertility properties. This component is anti-estrogenic and is likely to suppress sperm production in males and inhibits binding of sperm with ovum. Researches may be in the direction of making an effective birth control pill that has no side effects.

Not just a plant to be revered, but a medicine to be explored, researches are pending to identify the full benefits of Tulsi as a medicine. It is sure much of traditional knowledge about this plant has been lost, which has to be restored with the help of modern research facilities and diligent search.

Naikkurana (Mucuna Pruriens) for Premature Ejaculation Treatment

Wednesday, April 11th, 2007

There are times when men think they don’t ‘last’ long enough. Premature ejaculation needs to be considered a problem only if the problem persists. It is not a thing to worry if premature ejaculation occurs once in a while.

If premature ejaculation is the normal thing about your sex, it needs to be addressed in the proper manner.

Naikkurana, also called kavach beej in Hindi and cowhage and velvet bean in English is an herb known for its ability to increase the virility of men. It also increases sperm count.

The presence of a peculiar nutrient called levodopa in Mucuna pruriens find beneficial in the treatment of a serious condition called ParkinsonÂ’s disease. L-Dopa, an extensively researched amino acid that can cross blood brain barrier quickly and get converted to a neuro-transmitter called dopamine. (More info at

Naikkurana premature ejaculation treatment can also be attributed to its soothing effect on nervous system. It is common testimonial by users of this herb that they experience heightened physical stamina and higher levels of endurance.

Dopamine in turn acts on the hypothalamus where pituitary gland is located. This pituitary gland is responsible for the production of testosterone, the male sex hormone responsible for libido.

Found commonly in India, this pest like plant produces one of the best aphrodisiacs known to man.

The seeds of mucuna pruriens are available in powdered form. It is used in the treatment of different diseases like spermatorrhea.

Mucuna pruriens is effective in treatment of sexual dysfunction, difficulty erection, and hormonal imbalances.

Body Slimming, Obesity Cure with Ayurveda

Tuesday, April 10th, 2007

Body slimming or obesity cure with Ayurveda utilizes the most natural methods to systematically eliminate unwanted body wastes, facilitates free movement of joints, strengthens muscles and facilitates better blood circulation.

Obesity was not a serious issue at the time of development of Ayurveda. Modern lax lifestyle leads to increase in number of obese persons in almost all societies. We have little physical activity and eat junk food. This all lead to rise of obesity as a healthcare problem.

Obese persons risk several health hazards including heart diseases. It is therefore essential to see obesity as a problem and treat obesity with Ayurveda.

The main part of Ayurvedic body slimming or Ayurveda obesity treatment includes podikkizhi. Podi kizhi is a dry massage, where dried herbs are rolled into a cotton bag and pressed all over the body.

This dry massage removes excess fat from below the skin and strengthens the blood vessels.

Yoga techniques are also used for bringing down the body mass. Strict diet regimes speed up weight loss process. Ayurvedic weight loss programs take into account the physical and mental condition of the person and suggest an appropriate curative method for faster results.

Control Obesity with Natural Food

Monday, April 9th, 2007

Keeping a natural food style can help normal persons control obesity.

The main reason for obesity can be attributed to eating too much of processed food, sweetened food, frozen food, and preserved food. Genetic and endocrinal disorders too cause obesity, but such cases are extremely rare compared to normal obesity.

Obesity begins at childhood. We love our children so much that we let them eat whatever they find at a bakery or a eatery. There is no control in ice creams, chocolates, fried items, over cooked items, artificially colored items and food items that have preservatives added to them.

There is no control in food combination at a fast food center. Basic rules of healthy food combination go straight out of the window or burnt below the dishes.

Think about the amount of unhealthy fat, toxic combinations and chemicals that reach the body of a child before he or she turns 12 years. There you can find the root cause of obesity.

For a change, love your children less.

Don’t be too loving a parent to go for your pocket every time your kid saw something yummy at a bakery.

Make your kid suffice with few slices of mango, papaya, banana, whole wheat bread, oatmeal, milk, egg, tuna or moderately cooked lean meat. Don’t listen to his or her cries even if your ears become deafened.

Make your child drink at six to 10 glasses of fresh water instead of carbonated soft drinks or cola.

Make your child take food mildly warm instead of too hot or too cold. See it as a way of respecting the capacity of the digestive system of your kid.

Prevent your child chewing snacks. Replace those potato chips with an orange.

Ensure your child takes his food before seven in the evening.

Ensure the foods are not conflicting nature. Milk and meat are conflicting and can’t be taken together. Several other food combination rules are there in Ayurveda scripts. The easiest way to avoid them altogether will be to avoid catching that fast food restaurant.

The best way to make your child obey your rules will be to lead them by example. Can you ask your child not to snack when you are eating to your hearts content from that junk bag?

Causes and Ayurvedic Natural Remedies for Hair Loss

Saturday, April 7th, 2007

Hair loss is a cause of worry mainly to men and to some women. Hair loss is noticed when new hair follicles cease to develop on the skin of head to replace the hundred plus hair strands that falls away on a daily basis.

Causes of Hair Loss

There are a lot of causes to loss hair, some of them are hormonal imbalances, closure of hair follicles, insufficient nutrition and diseases like typhoid, chemotherapy etc can also initiate hair loss. According to Ayurveda, the main reasons for hair loss include too much of exposure to sunlight, dust and other unfavorable conditions, excess sweating, anxiety and mental trauma, side effects of certain medicines, alcohol etc.

Natural Remedies for Hair Loss

Liberal intake of variety of vitamin and nutrient rich food items is the first step in ensuring optimum nutrient supply to hair follicles.  Proteins, iron, zinc, essential fatty acids etc are to be included in daily diet.  Eat variety of vegetables and fresh fruits regularly. Drink lot of water daily. 

Keep yourself away from too hot and humid conditions. Avoid excess sweating. Liberally apply coconut oil before bath time and/or brahmi oil before bed time. Bhringaraj oil is another medicinal oil that you can apply on your scalp before going to bed.

Lifestyle Management to Prevent Hair Loss

Ayurveda suggests that stress, insomnia, tensions etc as causes of hair loss.  Avoid stress from your life and lead a relaxed lifestyle.

Losing hair is a cause of worry. It is essential to understand hair loss can be caused due to hundreds of reasons and effective treatment is available. 

Healthy Mind, Body and Social Life with Kamasutra

Thursday, April 5th, 2007

Rapes, child molestation and violence against woman constantly reported from all parts of the world are problems that can be solved by imparting the knowledge of sexuality to men. The fourth century AD text by Mallanga Vatsyayana – Kamasutra – will be the biggest choice when it comes to acquiring the right knowledge of one’s own sexuality, sexuality of women and the dynamics of sexual and social lives.

Societies that have liberal view towards sex are filled with men who lack the real knowledge of the dynamics of sexual relations, sex, and the influence of sex on one’s psyche and social life. Kamasutra is a no nonsense text that details the social setup of an era (before 4th century AD), the right ways of social life, the means of procuring wealth, the methods of managing finance, means of preparing house, managing families, the importance of respecting societal traditions, the methods of finding the right woman (or man) for marrying, the ways of winning the heart of a woman/man, the means of identifying the state of her (or his) mind, creating the right opportunities to have sex and ways of establishing and nurturing long lasting relationship with a woman (or a man).

The language is plain and straight forward, which makes it embarrassing for most people to discuss it in open. People who are afraid of discussing this book are in a way suppressing their own sexuality. No man or woman is without sexuality and sex is natural to humankind. It is not only a means of progeny, but also the very corner stone of institution of family and society.

The reason why sex got taboo state has something to do with the men of authority (who enjoyed many women at royal harems) that put a strict control on the sexuality of other men under them and the religions (including Hinduism) that glorified celibacy.

Vatsyayana talks about royal harems, the suppressed sexuality of women there and ways of getting into such harems to satisfy those women and to get enough sex. He also says it is the most risky venture and the chances of survival are dependent on the secret paths out of the harem, the carelessness of the sentinels and occult means of making oneself disappearing while entering the harem.

However, without the satisfaction of one’s desire, he/she is bound to several physical and mental traumas. Modern researches too certify this fact and modern researchers acknowledge suppressed sexuality as a cause of schizophrenia.

Sexuality in Kamasutra is not about seeking sex in a frenzy state. Contrary to that, Kamasutra suggests enjoying sex within one’s capabilities. Rightly controlled enjoyment of sex is the recipe for healthy life, body and mind.

Kamasutra, Ayurveda and True Sexual Enjoyment

Thursday, April 5th, 2007

Kamasutra (also spelt kama sutra, kamasootra, kama sootra, kama suthra, kamasuthra and kamasuthram) is an ancient script written by Vatsyayana (Vatsyayan) somewhere between first and fourth century AD.


Kama means lust and sutra means a string of techniques. Kamasutra means the treatise of physical union between man and woman. According to ancient Indian school of thought, a man’s life is complete only with four factors – dharma, artha, kama and moksha. Dharma is duty, artha is financial power, kama is sex and moksha is salvation or ultimate freedom from the cycle of births and deaths. Moksha is the beginning of divine life, free from the bounds of physical body.


Kamasutra deals primarily with fulfillment of the third element called kama or sex. Kamasutra literature primarily addresses men and elucidates the minute details of attaining fullness of physical union. It also talks about the steps man and woman should take to give rise to a healthy offspring.


Kama is one important step to moksha. It comes after dharma and artha. Dharma is the righteous doings and artha should come as a result of the righteous deeds. Artha (money) is necessary for enjoying the physical life.


When it comes to Ayurveda in kamasutra or Ayurvedic principles in kamasutra, you can find the requirement of healthy body and sound mind for the best enjoyment of life.

There are many suggestions by the author of kamasutra about Ayurvedic medicines like kamasutra. Kamasutra points to several herbs, fruits, nuts and shilajit as aphrodisiacs and health tonics. Ayurveda has agreed up on positive effects of herbs like aswagandha as aphrodisiacs.


There is however a fundamental clash between the scriptures of Ayurveda and kama sutra. Kamasutra encourages a person to try different sex postures and to actively seek extra marital relationships. Kamasutra actually has treatise on how to get the women of other men.


Ayurveda on the other hand agrees to only a single sex posture. It is the universal, woman bottom and man top position. Taking fancy positions for ecstasy and variety can cause the back bone to lose strength and develop back pains. According to Ayurveda the quest for pleasure and lust leads to imbalances in body and leave a person prematurely unhealthy.


Ayurveda also suggests sex with one’s wife only. Only single wife is recommended in Ayurveda (remember Ayurveda is the science of ‘life’).

However the loose lifestyles of people at royal positions forced Ayurveda physicians of ancient times to develop medicines and directions to enable such people lead the kind of life they pursue. A lot of aphrodisiacs were discovered in that way. Shilajit and Aswagandha are generally good for healthy development of body, but was increasingly regarded as aphrodisiacs only.


There are several aphrodisiacs in kamasutra that Ayurveda agrees and there are some kamasutra directions that Ayurveda disproves.

Kamasutra suggests taking milk with sugar – Ayurveda agrees,
It also suggests boiling the testicles of goat or ram – Ayurveda never agrees taking milk and meat together.


Can one say this branch of Ayurveda Kamasutra Ayurveda? It is not easily established, but can safely say this branch of Ayurveda for kamasutra.