Posts Tagged ‘News’

Are You Aware Today's Medicines Can Be Banned Tommorow?

Friday, March 30th, 2007

Allopathy and Ayurveda are systems of medicines that are always at loggerheads. The differences are visible on the very basic principles of these two systems of medicine. While Allopathy believes every disease can be cured by fighting the disease causing parasites with chemicals, Ayurveda firmly believes in utilizing the inherent strength and ability of the body to resist diseases and keeping itself healthy.

While Ayurveda medicines are aimed at balancing all the different systems of the body for a healthy state, Allopathy medicines aim at removing the symptoms of the disease.

While Ayurvedic is primarily a preventive medicine, Allopathy is a curing medicine.

Little research has been into Ayurveda in the past 2000 years. Thousands of researches have been on about Allopathy medicine in the past 50 years.

Ayurveda suggests usage of medicines or medicine combinations that will cure any disease while not causing any disturbance to other parts of the body system. Contrast it against allopathic medicine and it will be very hard to find Ayurvedic medicines or treatments that are at least half a way free from side effects.

Allopathic drugs that have been on market are quickly banned. Medicines banned at one or a few countries find flourishing markets at all other countries.

See a list of medicines that are banned in the West, but are freely available in Indian market at

Also see the side effects of a well circulated medicinal component called Phenylproanolamine or PPA as revealed in an FDA study at (MS Word document).

Yes, these medicines were once deemed safe and the use of which was in accordance with law. However, it is only later that the side effects of serious propositions come to the notice of medical fraternity.

Doctors prescribe and ordinary people use the drugs that come out of factories. Only after use by many thousands of people, do we know the side-effects were stronger than expected. It is not a wonder if some doubts the effectiveness and safety of a synthetic drug.

Look at the primary requirement of an Ayurveda medicine – a medicine must not bring forth another imbalance (in the body).

The world today acknowledges this difference and there is no wonder more people are attracted to the 5000 (or more) year old system of medicine that has for some time remained dusted under the history.

With this system of medicine, people don’t have to worry about outdated or banned drugs. One can believe they will be cured while they are cared.

Ayurveda curesÂ… while not experimenting with the health (and life) of individuals.

If you have not yet taken the steps to actively pursue the benefits of Ayurveda, it may be (excuse me, it IS) time to learn the wonders of natural method of care and cure that address not only the disease or the body, but also the person as a whole!

Kerala Ayurvedics Resource Website Opens

Saturday, March 24th, 2007

“Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu”
“Sarve Santhu Niramaya”

Blissful life, longevity and health for your mind, body and soul – today becomes part of your life.

Gems of knowledge collected from palm leaves and directly from the face of Ayurveda Acharyas, are made available to you for your health and enjoyment of life. is determined to become a guiding light for everyone concerned about his or her health and life by collecting and making available pieces of knowledge from reliable sources.

Knowledge is spread across the Vedas, ancient palm writings, computer databases, and in the minds of a few ardent followers of this rich tradition called Ayurveda. is committed to transform those scattered pieces of information into readily usable knowledge.

You can also find at latest research findings and regular updates of latest knowledge. sees itself at the forefront of all Ayurveda resources and able to offer world-class service in a short while from now.

The different sections of is designed to give the best experience to everyone – a layman seeking consultation, a student seeking knowledge and an expert seeking professional tools and latest research findings. They can also add their services to the site.

Patients and doctors can share their experience for the benefit of all. Expert doctors are invited to contribute articles and papers. Give a chance for others to benefit from your knowledge and help the patients that badly need your service find you.

The online consultation facility allows patients contact Ayurveda experts. Get beneficial advice on lifestyle and diet to enjoy healthy and happy life.

People interested in organic food or looking recipes for healthy cooking can find them here.

You can browse the sections of home remedies and tips to identify the advantages of Kerala, Indian lifestyle and home remedies. also becomes the resource center to find information of all Ayurveda hospitals in Kerala, Ayurveda doctors and treatment centers in Kerala. also gives a message, a back to nature call. Return to natural and the natural ways for healthy life, free from stress and illnesses. invites you to get benefited from our site. We also invite your creative participation in this project for whole humankind.

With Love, Light and Care,

News – The Latest Ayurveda Updates

Friday, March 23rd, 2007

Ayurveda research news, opening of new treatment facilities and other developments in the field of Ayurveda are updated in this section. It is imperative that people kept knowledgeable about the developments in the field of Ayurveda. This section reports the happenings in the field of Ayurveda.