Archive for April, 2012

Diabetes – types, causes and home remedies at Kerala Ayurvedics with herbal and yogic life style for a long healthy and happy life.

Wednesday, April 25th, 2012

What is diabetes? How Kerala Ayurveda helps to prevent, cure and care Diabetes patients ? Simple Ayurvedic herbal home remedies, food and life style

Diabetes is a metabolic disease which results in high blood sugar or in other words it is a condition in which the body’s ability to metabolize sugar is impaired. Millions of people suffer from this disease all over the world. The change in lifestyle and food habits has led to an increase in the number of people suffering from diabetes day by day. Metabolism is the process by which the body uses the digested food for growth and energy. Most of the food we eat is converted into glucose and is moved to the cells. This process is aided by insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced by the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. Insulin helps the cells in the liver, muscle and fat tissue to convert and store glucose in the blood as glycogen. Diabetes arise when the amount of insulin produced by the body is less or when body do not respond to the insulin that is produced by the pancreas. Insulin helps the cells in the liver, muscle and fat tissue to convert and store glucose in the blood as glycogen. Diabetes can be classified mainly as

Types of diabetes

Type 1 diabetes – This type of diabetes occurs when the body fails to produce insulin.

Type 2 diabetes – This condition occurs when the cells fail to utilize the insulin that is produced in the body. This may be combined with insulin deficiency also. Type2 diabetes used to be common with older adults but now it is developing at all ages. Lack of exercise, unhealthy diet, stress and tension all contribute to this disease.

Gestational diabetes in pregnant woman.
Gestational diabetes occur in woman during pregnancy. This may be due to defective responsiveness or inadequate secretion of insulin. The condition may disappear after delivery but in some cases it may later lead to type2 diabetes. Gestational diabetes should be treated carefully otherwise it can damage the health of the mother and the fetus.

Symptoms of diabetics

Common symptoms involves excessive thirst, frequent urination, weight loss, blurred vision, lethargy, poor wound healing, burning of palms and soles and sometimes excessive eating. Diabetic dermadrome a type of skin rash and frequent yeast infection of genitals and urinary tract infections are common with diabetic patients. Unexplained irritability, lack of concentration and agitation may also be exhibited by some patients.

Diabetes in Ayurveda.

According to ayurveda diabetes which is known as prameha or madhumeha is considered as a maharoga which means a major disease. This is because the disease affects almost all parts of the body. Out of the 20 recognized forms of diabetes 10 are caused by Kapha dosha, 6 results from Pitta and 4 are caused by Vata. (Vata, Pitta and Kapha are the tridoshas or three errors that govern the human body. The tridoshas should be present in a proper balance to keep the body healthy)

Ayurvedic treatment of diabetes is based on a widely different outlook. It includes medicine, change in diet and life style and even the mental aspects. This type of treatment requires the active participation of the patient as he should be ready to bring changes in his lifestyle and eating habits. While other systems of medicine aims at bringing down the blood sugar level, Ayurvedic treatment of diabetes is done in a much broader perspective. Ayurvedic treatment of diabetes takes into account the treatment of the disease as well as the complications caused by it. Ayurveda uses herbal medicines, massages and some metals in treating the disease.

Herbs to treat diabetes

There are many valuable herbs that are capable of controlling diabetes in an efficient manner. These herbs can be made as a part of regular diet to control diabetes in a natural way. Scientific investigations have proven that some of these herbs are very effective in controlling diabetes. Here are few herbs that help in controlling diabetes.

Bitter gourd. Bitter gourd is considered highly useful in treating diabetes and has many scientifically proven qualities that help in reducing blood sugar. Bitter gourd juice should be taken in the morning before any other meals. It can also be used in powered form. Curry leaves. Curry leaves are found beneficial in treating diabetes. Chew well and eat few fresh curry leaves daily. Fenugreek. Daily consumption of fenugreek which is rich in fibre has proved to be beneficial in bringing down the blood sugar. Soak few fenugreek seeds in water overnight and next morning chew the seeds and drink the water. Fenugreek can also be used in the powered form. Goose berry or Amla. Extract the juice of one or two gooseberries and dilute it with little water. Drink this juice every morning before food. Ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo biloba is used to treat the complications related to diabetes. The herb is known for its effect on increasing the blood flow. The herb is used to treat diabetic retinopathy. Tulsi or Holi basil is also found to be beneficial in reducing blood sugar. Turmeric power is also found to be useful in regulating blood sugar. It is sometimes used with Amla juice. Gymnema sylvestre. The herb known as Gur-mar in Hindi Podapatri in Telungu and chakkarakolli in Malayalam, literally means sugar destroyer. This herb has also proved beneficial in reducing blood sugar. Aloe Vera sap is also said to reduce blood sugar. Certain precautions should be taken while using the herbs especially with other drugs. Consult your doctor to adjust the dosage of medications and keep monitoring your blood sugar level.

Your life style has a very vital role in maintaining your health. It is obvious that your lifestyle and eating habits play an important role in controlling diabetes. Along with proper eating habits it is good to choose activities which help to reduce blood sugar level. Practicing yoga is found to be beneficial in reducing blood sugar level and improve immunity. Studies have revealed that yoga helps increased insulin production by stimulating pancreas. Doctors all over the world recommend yoga for diabetes. The exercises involve stretching exercises, relaxation exercises and meditation. The muscular movement ensures proper blood flow and absorption of glucose. Yoga also reduces stress and tension and ensures peace of mind.

Stress has been identified as a factor that triggers diabetes. To keep diabetes under control one must learn to manage stress. Meditation is one of the effective methods to manage stress. It helps to calm the nerves and mind. Meditation for 15 to 20 minutes helps in improving the general well being of body and mind. Thus a healthy natural life style, proper diet and exercise and stress free life helps in effective management of diabetes.