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Thridoshas (Three Doshas or Doshangal)

March 23rd, 2007 | admin

According to Ayurveda, any physical or mental ailment is caused due to imbalance in any one or more of three dynamic forces called Tridoshas.

Tridoshas (three doshas) or three dynamic natural forces (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha in Sanskrit and Vatham, Pitham and Kapham in Malayalam) composed of the five principal elements of creation are responsible for the physical, physiological, and psychological well being of a person existing in a state of equilibrium.

These natural forces composed of the elements of nature (akash – space, bhumi – earth, jal – water, vayu -air and agni – fire) determine the cycle of growth, wellness, death and decay. Vata is combination of Vayu and Akash, Pitta is combination of Agni and Jal and Kapha is combination of Bhumi and Jal.

It is health, when the doshas are in harmony or balance, a state of equilibrium. Every single aspect of physical and mental characteristic of a person has explanations in the concept of tridoshas.

When the equilibrium or balance of any one of the doshas is affected, it affects the balance of other doshas too.

In persons too, the Doshas of a person change with time.

Ayurveda classifies people into three categories according to the dominance of a specific kapha in that person. Most persons have only one Dosha dominating; some have two Doshas and only in rare instances, all three Doshas of the tridosha dominate.

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